Floorcloth Design: Mariners Compass with Diamonds Floorcloth
Historic Collection
Floorcloth Size: 76" x 108"
Floorcloth Colors: Barnwood (background), Caper, and Spanish Red, Brown Antique Glaze
Floorcloth in progress
Picture of an existing floorcloth was sent by a client. He wanted a similar design in 6' x 9' with different colors. He also sent a color swatch of the wall (red color ) and the fabric sample of the sofa ( Green Floral ) and the cushion cover ( Linen ).
Originally suggetion was that he wanted more red in the floorcloth.
The digital image of the floorcloth was created to give an idea of the color placement and the proportion. Appox. size is 77" x 111" instead of 72"x108" so the floorcloth won't have any broken diamonds.
Looking at this design, client thought that, there is too much red in the design. He suggested that he would like to see more green diamonds and the larger size diamonds
Acoording to his suggestion 4 more versions of the design was created.
Again the size of the floorcloth was adjusted to fit the larger size diamonds.
Finally the client like the Design F.
Floorcloth after applying the glaze
Customer Comments
Thanks---- by the way, with the confusion regarding the 'red' color,I never really got to tell you how thrilled i was with how everything else came out.
The size of the diamonds was perfect... your overall design was great...
and the amount of each color used in the final design worked out just perfectly. i'm sure that, with the changed 'red' color, the entire floorcloth will be perfect this time.
floorcloth is very nice, thank you. i appreciate all you did to let me be satisfied with it.