Floorcloth Design: Ashville Floorcloth
Historic Collection
Floorcloth Size: 39"x50"
Floorcloth Colors: Pearl Essence, Cranberry Red, Black, Brown Antique Glaze
Design Origin: Motif border design from the Sage House South Sandisfield, Massachusetts
and border stencil from Governor Benjamin Pierce Homestead Hillsborough, New Hampshire
Floorcloth in progress

Completed floorcloth

Floorcloth Design: Windham Floorcloth & Mats
Historic Collection
Floorcloth Size: 27"x60"
Mat Size: 13"x18"
Floorcloth Colors: Pine Yellow, Cranberry Red, Meadow Green, Black, Brown Antique Glaze

Completed floorcloth

Completed placemats