Floorcloth Design: Weston Colonial Floorcloth in Pine Yellow
Historic Collection
Floorcloth Size: 2'6"x6' (30"x72") and 6'x8' (72"x96")
Floorcloth Colors: Pine Yellow, Essex Green, Cranberry Red, Brown Antique
Design Origin: Floor Motif from Weston, Massachusetts
Floorcloth in progress

Floorcloth with essex green swatch

In your 6'x8' (72"x96") floorcloth, the blank space between the stenciling and the solid border will be different on both sides. On two of the sides, the distance is 0.5". On the other two sides, the distance is 2.25". The white lines in the picture above show where the solid border will start if I make the floorcloth 72" x96". To maintain the same distance (0.5") on all four sides, the border can be moved 1.75" inwards (the blue line) on two sides and the floorcloth will be approximately 72"x92".

Floorcloths after folding the edges
and applying the glaze